Monday, April 14, 2008


Can you tell I'm having fun? LOL! While waiting for the last video to upload, I realized that months ago we tried to share a video with Sarah (we tried emailing it and I *think* we tried uploading it to smugmug) but were unsuccessful. Since this is so easy, I've been going through the picture folders and finding other videos that we've taken of the kids. Since the purpose of this blog is mostly for Sarah to "see" her precious nieces and nephews, I figured she wouldn't mind seeing what other videos I can hunt up. She's gonna love this one!



Canadian Princess said...

Soooo cute... I love the laughter!!! That's great that you can now put videos up... I haven't even done that yet. I sure loved them. Pictures are great, but it's neat what videos show. Keep em coming;)

Mama to my Bunch said...

We don't have that many more videos but we'll upload what we've got!