Friday, May 2, 2008

Rubber Ducky, You're the One!

Austin was the star of the show (don't all parents think that?) last night at the JK Concert entitled "Bed and Bathtime" in which the kids dressed up in pajamas and brought their rubber duckies! They performed songs and poems for the adoring audience. Austin is crouched down in this pic:Check out Austin's fab moves in the video below. (I've tried twice to upload the video but it's not working... I'll try later.)

I think my favourite part of the night was all the kisses Austin kept blowing us onstage before and after the performance. Afterwards, when we picked him up from his classroom, he told me that he kept blowing me kisses all the way down the hall. Isn't he too cute?


RogueMonkey said...

I love that he was blowing kisses from on stage...too cute.

RogueMonkey said...

that was from auntie sarah...not uncle chris...tho he did agree with me!

Mama to my Bunch said...

I keep trying to upload the video but it's not working for some reason. Shawn says I should put it on youtube and then do it. Ughh.. more effort involved.