Thursday, June 26, 2008

Last Day of School

It appears there's no stopping the clock - school's out for the year and summer has officially arrived. I was talking with a friend yesterday who was genuinely surprised by my excitement over the arrival of summer holidays. He thought it would put a damper on my activities (and come to think of it, it may!) but it'll be so nice to sleep in in the mornings (Emma willing), and enjoy our time together swimming and playing all day. While we'll have a schedule of sorts, there will be lots of flexibility to be adventuresome too! I can hardly wait - but at the same time, I don't mind waiting a bit as I never want summer to end!
The kids posed for a "last day of school" pic! Seems like only yesterday that I took their "first day of school" pictures.
The end of a tradition of going to the park after school!


Canadian Princess said...

those kids of yours are too cute...and I see Emma wearing her bonnnet/hat;)

Mama to my Bunch said...

Well,that's because I just got her one that I can tie up! She still got it off once but left it on after that! Here's hoping....