Sunday, June 22, 2008

Lazy Cottage Day

Our family received a special invitation to go to the Evan's cottage on Fri., June 6th (PA day for the kids!) and we were thrilled to accept! Even though it was a last minute invite(Shawn told me at 7:15 am Friday morning that Marilyn had called at 10 the night before), Marilyn told Steve that she was 95% sure that we'd go - I guess she knows that we're always up for a good time. This was one of the first really hot days of summer and we were so happy to spend it by the lake! Now we're just crossing our fingers that we get invited back another day and that the daddy's can both come this time!
Austin and Samuel Oscar - buds for life!

Jumping for joy into the lake!

I was a little worried about Emma being at the cottage - especially since I was flying solo - as she runs, runs, runs everywhere! In the end, she was really good. She loved crawling up and down the cottage steps and stayed in the vicinity of the front yard close to the lake. Once she did venture onto the sand of the beach and into the lake and promptly fell in. I quickly ran over to her and she looked like she was trying to swim; it's amazing how instinct takes over. I picked her up and she didn't even cry out. She did stay put on my lap for awhile after that and decided not to get too close to the water after that. Worked for me!


Canadian Princess said...

adorab;e pics!!!

Mama to my Bunch said...

I've got good subject matter! :)